The frequency of new articles on this site is not very important. But these are not subject to programmed obsolescence either. Each new subject completes and supports the subjects previously mentioned and represents a new chapter, building up the site which can be conceived almost like a book. See, on this subject, the detailed menu with the introductions/summaries of each article.
There is a mailing list for each language if you want to be informed when a new article has been published.
APRIL 2022
Our influence - The influence we have on others when we make a deep inner change goes far beyond those around us
When the awareness about the traps of the society of money, power and profit
arises, and when the will to distance oneself from these abuses follows;
a fervent desire to lead family, relatives, and even more, towards the same
path, often becomes the main objective. Many people then discover missionary
vocations, taking small steps forward and trying to lead those around them
in big steps. And this more often than not provokes the opposite of the
desired effect, namely: resistance.
But if it is not easy to convince; we can nevertheless operate a change
around us of another order, because a psychological force, and the radiance
or charisma which results from the personal evolution can influence in another
This influence can be considered from different perspectives detailed in
the article :
Collective intelligence, mirror neurons, epigenetics, the contagion of altruism,
morphogenetic fields, self-contagion, the transmission of our thoughts and
emotions, and the power of minorities.
So whatever level of consciousness and evolution we are working on: citizen,
consumer, communication, relationships, behaviors, thoughts, emotions, spirituality;
we influence others in the same direction.
MARCH 2022
1/ New structure of the site
Before offering you a new page to read, here are the changes
that led to its publication.
The site has been completely redesigned. Its external appearance does not
change intrinsically, but the structure has been completely reworked.
First of all, the site is now readable on smartphones and tablets (responsive).
Secondly, the structure of the site is now divided into five main chapters:
- Citizen responsibility (Global/individual scale - Doing our part)
- Inner evolution (Beliefs and external influences - Communication - Brain,
thoughts and emotions)
- Opening of consciousness
- Why change ourselves: our influence
- Non-violence at all levels.
Each article, and each tale is integrated into one, or sometimes several
2/ TO READ :
The new page of the detailed menu offers
a presentation or a summary for each article and story, following this same
structure. In this way, by reading the whole of this page, you will have
a summary of the content of the site. And that makes it much easier to understand
the link between the different articles and topics covered. Because all
the subjects are linked together and form a whole. This page therefore makes
it possible to better understand the meaning of the approach as a whole
and in all its aspects.
The articles not translated into English and Spanish are now
included in the site map, as well as in the detailed menu with presentation
or summary, and reference to the page in French. In this way, an overview
of the concept is also available in Spanish and English.
3/ Practical aspects:
The site map is proposed :
for small screens: at the bottom of the page
for larger screens: in the left column
and this for most of the pages of the site (except for the longest articles
which have their own summary at the bottom of the page/left column)
When the site map is not directly visible (thus for small
screens and/or long articles), you can easily access it by clicking on the
at the top right of the page.
4/ Forthcoming publication :
Our individual influence
The influence we have on others when we make a deep inner change goes far
beyond those around us
When the awareness about the traps of the society of money, power and profit
arises, and when the will to distance oneself from these abuses follows;
a fervent desire to lead family, relatives, and even more, towards the same
path, often becomes the main objective. Many people then discover missionary
vocations, taking small steps forward and trying to lead those around them
in big steps. And this more often than not provokes the opposite of the
desired effect, namely: resistance.
But if it is not easy to convince; we can nevertheless operate a change
around us of another order, because a psychological force, and the radiance
or charisma which results from the personal evolution can influence in another
This influence can be considered from different perspectives detailed in
the article :
Collective intelligence, mirror neurons, epigenetics, the contagion of altruism,
morphogenetic fields, self-contagion, the transmission of our thoughts and
emotions, and the power of minorities.
So whatever level of consciousness and evolution we are working on: citizen,
consumer, communication, relationships, behaviors, thoughts, emotions, spirituality;
we influence others in the same direction.
Ecological footprint and passive violence : the importance of our individual action
From the TedX conference of Arun Gandhi, proposed in video, which introduces
the notion of passive violence; this article proposes to create links between
the realities presented in the news, and our daily actions. Our consumption
is not without consequences on what occurs in the world. Through consumption
we have learned to practice passive violence. Our culture conditions us
to this and encourages us to kindly look away from our responsibilities
facing the realities of suffering and destruction that this engenders. Hundreds
of millions of people have died of hunger or malnutrition in the world,
and even more are living in misery right now while we live as if all this
did not exist. As long as we are not able to take off our blinders and face
this, making the link with our own everyday behaviors ; hundreds of millions
of people will continue to suffer and disappear in almost general indifference.
Changing our perspective of these facts, and adopting a new attitude awakens
our humanity and allows us to change our behaviors by reducing our ecological
footprint in a more coherent way. By adopting this more realistic perspective,
a whole path then opens up before us to change, on our scale, what can still
be changed.
read the article ...
JUNE 2020
Conference : Economy and human dignity
Here is the video of a short and exciting lecture to an audience of business
managers, given in 2017 by Joan Antoni Melé, in Spanish (English
subtitled), in Buenos Aires, about the human dignity that we have lost in
the economy and social life and which is leading us to the destruction of
the planet. Joan Antoni Melé, who participated in the creation of
the Triodos bank in Spain, questions our values, education, art and culture.
We have left our axis and lost our human capacities along the way. And it
is imperative to move from the diktat of blind profit-seeking and abrupt
rationality to coherent and altruistic thinking guided this time and at
all costs by the heart.
see the video
You are the placebo: healing through the transformation of thoughts
Dr. Joe Dispenza addresses topics such as visualization, meditation, the
law of attraction, applications of quantum physics in personal evolution;
and he does so through the lens of neuroscience. He tells us about the plasticity
of the brain, our ability to create or remove neuronal connections, our
ability to activate or deactivate our genes, and the important interaction
between our cells, our body and our thoughts and emotions, and - the most
important aspect: the interest in better managing these thoughts and emotions,
in order to transform both our mind and our health. His book is full of
examples, studies, experiences that illustrate his theories. In this book
he brings the idea that we can reach health through our will and the ability
to direct our thoughts and emotions by changing our beliefs, and use that
as we use a placebo.
Read the article ...
It is at the heart of our defects that sits the most beautiful part of
our humanity. Because they can be at the source of our finest qualities.
Rather than fighting them or hiding them, knowing and acknowledging them
allows us to discover the qualities that are hidden just behind, and helps
us to better blossom.
the benefit is not so much the discovery of quality as the look on oneself
and on others, that changes, allowing to discern in the other, behind his/her
weaknesses, his/her share of humanity.
Read the article ...
Presentation of Voluntary Simplicity
Voluntary simplicity is a personal choice that consists of orienting our
life towards a material, intellectual, psychological and spiritual life,
which is closer to our real needs and our real values, for ourselves, for
others, and for the planet.
Everyone who walks in this direction does it in his own way, at his own
pace, choosing certain priorities over others, it belongs to him-her. If
the choice is personal and the action that results is a priori individual,
they stimulate solidarity, exchanges, generosity, friendliness. ... read
the article
The anger behind the violence, no matter what scale it is perpetrated, is generated by the fear we have of the perpetrators of this same violence. The fear of violence is therefore capable of generating an equally destructive and murderous violence as the one it is trying to fight. It is then necessary to seek in the area of the fears if we want to succeed in defusing violence. Both : ours, even if we didn't put them in action; as those of the persons who have already perpetrated them; in order to stop feeding a perpetual vicious circle, terribly murderous. ... read the article
"True peace begins with observation and acceptance of our own violence"
Here is the summary of Pema Chödron's Book : "Practicing peace
in times of war"
The idea of the book is that violence around us, is is only a reflection
the violence that is in us. If we are able to observe, to manage this violence
inside us, when refusing to run at once into escalation, we can manage to
reduce our own violence, but also the general violence to a higher degree
than that of a Cartesian equation (7 billions minus 1). And the violence
that we are talking about is also minimal violence : frustration, tickling,
reactions to the small provocations of life. It's even there that everythings
starts. This summary is complementing the article "From opposition
to non-violence".
... read the article
Argumentation and power relation
We all have, and in a unique way for everyone, our own perception of the
world and of ourselves. In our relationships with our entourage (as individuals,
associations or citizens), we will confront our perception with that of
our partners. And there are two major trends in how to do it: looking for
common ground or to be on the same page, or trying to be right (meaning
: trying to prove the other is wrong). This is reflected in our ways of
talking, in our arguments, in the negotiations, as well as in our means
of action. The chosen attitude will influence our relationships, the people
involved, and the choice of solutions during conflicts.
... read the article
JULY 2018
1) After almost 4 years of silence, here are two new articles.
A part of these texts is based on the same reasoning, which may appear as
a repetition. However, it is still two distinct approaches, written at different
times, each in a state of mind that corresponds to it.
These articles are somewhat complementary and follow the one on the management
of thoughts and emotions.
Taking a step aside by learning to observe our thoughts without identifying
with them enables to create a much greater freedom of thinking, to make
room for humility and also for caution about our own opinions, knowledges
and beliefs. And this especially enables us to access new dimensions of
ourself and to have a very different impact in our lives.
... Read the article
b- Another look at dementia and at the preservation of youth
This text proposes an approach to dementia through knowledge of ourself
and of our thoughts. We are the result of our automatisms. And the more
time goes by, the more these will take power in our lives. Better understanding
this mechanism of automatization of our mental functioning can help us to
learn how to manage our mental differently, in order to avoid that this
process overtake us too quickly. It's from the beginning of life that something
has to be done.
And by better understanding these mechanisms we can learn to better understand
and interact with older people and people with dementia. These latter, if
they have lost their autonomy, their ability to reason and express themselves,
have lost none of their knowledge, their personality and their experience.
Considering things in this way enables to deal with them in a very different
way and to restore respect, contact, trust and the emotional part of the
... Read the article
2) The longest texts of the site are now also available in ebook format (epub) for e-reader.
3) A mailing list has been created. If you are interested to be informed for each new article posted on the site, please write to the contact address of the site, specifying the language (s) in which you wish to receive the publication announcements.
This website, existing in French since 2008, has been translated (partly) in English and Spanish and published in January 2012. The map of the site is visible on the left of this page.
As the translation has not been made by a professional, don't hesitate
to communicate any corrections or suggestions you may have. It could be
of great help to improve the quality of the texts. (see
Thanks in advance.
Spanish new version of the website :
See also the detailed
menu page
with introduction or summary of each article.
Or click on the link S
on the right of the title,
to have direct access to the summary.
Articles with
are only avaible in French.
NEW 04/2022 : Our Influence
Global/individual scale :
Doing our part :
Beliefs and external influences :
Brain - thoughts and emotions :
- The Story of the Hummingbird
- The wolf you feed
- Following or not
- Stones, pebbles and sand
- Wisdom of Lao Tzu
- Autobiography in 5 Short Chapters
- Grain of sand
- White
Birds and Black Birds
- Mexican fisherman, American
- Rebuilding the world
- The boiled frog